'The Quaterback' is the Glee episode dedicated to the life of former Glee star Cory Monteith, who passed away in the summer of 2013. The episode is the third episode of the new season, season 5. The usual opening title to the show was modified to incoportate a silhouette of the late Glee star and character 'Finn Hudson' in place of the usual 'L'.
In the episode we see the usual setting of corridors and offices within William Mckinely High School, and the choir room which is the main room for the show. The setting reminds the audience that the show is about school students apart of a competitive singing choir, eventhough the actors playing the students are actually in their early twenties to early thirties.
The costuming of the characters, due to them being of an american school they don't have a school uniform so the clothing of the characters is to match the personality of the character. Main Character Rachel Berry, returned back to her old high school from her college NYADA in NYC, to pay tribute to her ex-boyfriend Finn Hudson. We see Rachel returning to William Mckinely High, wearing 'old' Rachel Berry clothing of girly, young and innocent top and skirt with a gold chain around her neck with 'Finn' in italic gold. This is done in order to show the love Rachel has and will always have for Finn and also, to bring through real life due to Lea Michele, who plays Rachel wearing an identical necklace with Cory on it, due to the stars dating on and off screen. By Rachel going back to her old style for this episode gives across a very pure and emotional feel to the episode and gives fans of the show an even more open and personal experience.
Due to the comedy drama being about show choir club 'New Directions', there is a lot of singing involed in the episode. The songs that are sung in the show have been chosen to relate to the character Finn Hudson and also the actor Cory Monteith.
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